Thursday, April 4, 2013


It's funny how things always end up balancing themselves out. The good balances the bad. Big Brother discovered the fun of SimCity and in the same day went to the dentist and found out he had two cavities. He also loved his first swimming lesson, but Darling Daughter was heartbroken that there was no space for her in the class this term. Little Brother had a blow-out temper tantrum in the car, but rounded out the day being extra giggly and snuggly.
I finished hand sewing the binding onto Little Brother's birthday quilt. The thing is gigantic on his toddler bed, but when he eventually moves into a twin bed, it'll be perfect. I love the combination of fabrics but don't really love the pattern that I used. He seems to love it, and I find he doesn't get twisted up in it the way he did in the fleecy blanket he was using before.
The fabric is a combination of several different lines, purchased mostly online last year, with the exception of the owls, which came from Ikea this fall. Lots of blues and greens, and cars and trucks. The backing is a wonderful Ikea print of cars and trucks, which I have used before for a baby blanket and LOVED. The straight line quitling I used around the individual panels looks like roads for the cars on the backing. Since cotton batting is hard to come by around here, and shipping is too expensive, I used a quilted cotton mattress pad. It turned out really well, and the quilting on it will ensure the batting doesn't shift.
Still plugging along on my Montessori certification. I got three A's my last three assignments (natch.) I'm trying to tackle the easy questions a dozen or so at a time this week when all three kids are home and save the critical thinking questions for when they've headed back to school.
I've accomplished lots of tiny household projects this week. Some of them have been on the to-do list since we came home from vacation last summer. It feels AMAZING to cross them off. Like losing weight. I will focus now on finishing a braided rag rug that has been started and stopped a handful of times for well over a year now.