Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Gone But Not Forgotten

I haven't published since October. I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep this little blog going or not. I've been involved with a photography blog, which I have really enjoyed. I like having an outlet to share to those outside my Facebook/ Instagram/ Pinterest world.  I am planning on keeping up with this little blog after a few weeks. It will most likely be insufferable posts about my crafty adventures (or misadventures, as the case may be) as well as rambling thoughts about this and that.
I've been reading a lot about early childhood education theory as part of my training to become a Montessori certified preschool teacher. I have quite a few thoughts I'd love to share. I will be going back to work in September, certainly I will be examining work/life balance soon.
Handsome Husband and I have been thinking a lot about health and nutrition and how that affects our family. We were quite the junk food/ fast food fiends, once upon a time. Last weekend we found ourselves eating at the mall food court, and all the fatty, fried foods sort of turned our stomachs a little. Progress, I think?
 Darling Daughter has gained admission to 'big school' for next year. I can't believe she's ready for school. These milestones are much harder for me to accept the second time around, and I can't quite explain why.  I'm constantly amazed at the way she moves. Her coordination, her rhythm are amazing. She copies the Bollywood dance routines easily and gracefully. I'm not sure if this is because of her ballet classes, or it's something more innate.
Big Brother is working through some bullying issues at school and it breaks my heart. I still feel the same anxiety thinking about my own school years, just as bright and painful as it was then. He's a bit smaller than the other kids, thinner, and smarter, so he stands out somewhat as a target. He's reading as well as kids two grades ahead of him. He's obsessed with Legos and recently told me he wants to sell all of his other toys so he can have money for more.
Baby Brother just turned three, and I can't believe the changes in him in the last year. The worries about his development, especially his language development, have been disintigrating. We now get compliments on what a funny chatterbox he is. He still has his moody days, but, thanks in part to some of the Montessori training, and in part to the part-time work I've been doing at the preschool, I've learned some new techniques that seem to be helping quite a bit.

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